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14 Dec 2018Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacturing of electrical equipment, such as electric motors, radar and navigation sys
established fact
26 Sep 2018Electronics engineers who work for the federal government research, develop, and evaluate electronic devices used in a variety of areas, such as aviat
At vero eos et accusamus
21 May 2018The work of electrical engineers and electronics engineers is often similar. Both use engineering and design software and equipment to do engineering
denouncing pleasure
21 May 2018Electrical and electronics engineers must have a bachelor’s degree. Employers also value practical experience, so participation in cooperative enginee
sed quia non numquam eius
21 May 2018High school students interested in studying electrical or electronics engineering benefit from taking courses in physics and mathematics, including al
Urna pretium elit
21 May 2018Electrical and electronic engineers may advance to supervisory positions that require leading a team of engineers and technicians. Some may move to ma